Intensive programs are designed to support the patient and family in creating vast changes in their physical and emotional healing. One to two week long intensives are offered, including 4-5 hours of therapy per day, with 1 or more therapists to help the patient achieve their goals. An intensive timeline can be created to meet the needs of the patient and families. Intensives can look like 4 hours in one day to 25 hours in one week. The options are present to create an environment for support, processing, and healing.
Private Therapy Sessions
Depending on your child's needs, our therapists incorporate neurointergative therapeutic yoga techniques in their Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy sessions to help the mind and body.
Our therapists guide your child through a combination of poses, bodywork, energy work and breathwork to help with:
Building strength, flexibility, balance and coordination through soft tissue and fascia mobilization
Increasing focus and attention
Regulating the nervous system to help calm, relax, decrease anxiety and reduce stress
Settling by shifting awareness to the body and quieting the mind
Emotional development
Optimal oxygenation
Brain growth and performance
Adoption Concerns
Anxiety Disorders
Asperger's Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Blount's Disease
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Interstitial Cystitis
Container Baby Syndrome
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
Developmental Delay
Down Syndrome
Early Intervention OT/PT
Gastrointestinal Issues
Genetic Disorders
Infant Prematurity
Infantile Brachial Plexus
Learning Disabilities
Muscular Dystrophy
Orthopedic Deficits
Plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome)
Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Spina Bifida
Spinal Deformities (Scoliosis)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Traumatic Brain Injury
Focus & Relaxation
We focus on asanas (yoga poses), eye exercises, conscious breath, relaxation, and concentration. The asanas help condition the muscles and bring balance to the physical body, with flexibility and strength. Breathing exercises help one learn to regulate his emotions and stress level as some breathing exercises calm you down while others wake you up. Yoga therapy promotes good concentration because the individual is encouraged to focus only on the pose she/he is doing, putting other thoughts aside. In balancing poses, which are great for building concentration, students have to stay focused despite others falling, moving, or talking. The emphasis is on the basic yogic belief, “if you let your mind wander you will lose your balance!”
The idea of slowing down and focusing one’s mind on a single task is very difficult for people today, who live in a world that demands multitasking and urgency. Students really enjoy “relaxation time” at the end of each class, when restful music is played and they are encouraged to focus on their breathing and muscles to actively calm their mind and body. The relaxation part of the class focuses on handling real life stresses children or adults face, such as feeling anxiety before a test, dealing with a bully or other unfriendly peers, and calming one’s own mind in overwhelming situations.
Yoga for the Special Child Method
The Yoga for the Special Child Method is practiced on an individual basis or in group setting in a non-competitive manner with emphasis on harmony and optimal effort. It has shown to enhance age appropriate gross motor skill acquisition and guide each child to find their own inner peace and serenity. The method is a step by step, therapeutic hands-on approach. The system integrates, age and developmentally appropriate, hatha yoga asanas (poses), eye exercises, specialized breathing exercises, music and sound therapy, and relaxation techniques.
Our certified therapists are very grateful and ever inspired by their Teacher, Sonia Sumar, to apply Yoga's amazing benefits to each and every child. They hope to continue discovering each child's unlimited hidden potential through mind, body and spirit.